Another Live es el segundo disco de Utopia, el primero completamente en vivo y, me parece, la mejor introducción posible a la agrupación. Después de un primer trabajo homónimo en parte en vivo y en parte en estudio, que solo es recomendable o bien para fanáticos de Rundgren o bien para oyentes interesados en sumergirse en larguísimos pasajes instrumentales prog, en este segundo álbum Todd incorpora en el grupo los elementos soul, pop, folk y psicodélicos que tan bien trabajaba en sus discos solistas de la época.
Acá la banda es, por última vez, un sexteto: Rundgren en guitarra y voz, Moogy Klingman y Ralph Schuckett en teclados, Roger Powell en sintetizadores, John Siegler en bajo y John Wilcox en batería. Y aunque parezca imposible, la música no suena sobresaturada de teclas: las voces están siempre en primer plano; la guitarra de Todd no para de bailotear, sentando la bases de casi todas las canciones, con ese sonido grueso, blues-rockero, que explota tan bien en vivo. Las composiciones son casi todas de él, excepto Something's Coming (de Bernstein y Sondheim, escrita para el musical West Side Story, devenido película de la mano del gran Robert Wise) y Do Ya (de Jeff Lyne, originalmente interpretada por The Move y reversionada en 1976 por la Electric Light Orchestra).
Entre las canciones originales sobresalen la bellísima The Wheel, acústica, con Rundgren demostrando sus magníficas cualidades vocales, y Another Life, con coros entre soul y gospel -ambas joyas pop que están entre lo mejor del repertorio de don Todd. Más, claro, la ya conocida Just One Victory, grabada por primera vez en A Wizard, A True Star, su impecable disco solista de 1973. Tal vez el momento más flojo sea la algo agotadora introducción a Mister Triscuits, en la cual a Powell le dan espacio para investigar a su sintetizador, expulsando sonidos entrometidos que se escurren entre una guitarra afiladísima -el único momento, de hecho, en que el sonido de Todd se acerca al de sus enormes collages en solitario.
Por lo demás, el álbum es más que memorable, ya sea en los momentos instrumentalmente más ricos (The Seven Rays), las composiciones menos profundas (Do Ya) o la gloria de Just One Victory -uno de esos temas, me parece, cuyo estribillo tiene algo de religioso, de fraternal, y escucharlo al final de este disco, cantado por numerosas gargantas junto a palmas compañeras y un público conmovido, es una experiencia maravillosa.
01 - Another Life
02 - The Wheel
03 - The Seven Rays
04 - Intro / Mister Triscuits
05 - Something's Coming
06 - Heavy Metal Kids
07 - Do Ya08 - Just One Victory
Some people say life’s like a merry-go-round,
I think it’s more like a ferris wheel
'Cause sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down,
sometimes you just don’t know what to feel
And just when you think you’ve got the game figured out
and you say you’ve had enough
the mysterious mad man with his hand on the lever
don't seem to never ever want to let you off
You can’t get off this wheel of karma
You can’t stop the hands of time
Now I have a friend, I might have a few,
sometimes I think they just don’t care
But I think sometimes they think the same thing of me, yeah,
you might say we’ve got a problem there
'Cause you know we all got this habit: we like to talk too much
and that always tends to slow you down
But we never change direction, no no no no,
we just keep going round and round and round and round
And let me off this wheel of karma
Let me stop the hands of time
Seems like I’ve been around, yeah yeah yeah, so many places
and I must have learned a lot of things
And although I ain’t yet come up with a so-called answer,
at least I think I finally learned how to sing
And there’s just a few things I ain’t got sorted out,
sometimes they make my brain get sore
Like if kids were left of all devices, yeah yeah yeah,
would they ever come up with a thing like war?
Let us off this wheel of karma
Let us stop the hands of time
(The Wheel)
I think it’s more like a ferris wheel
'Cause sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down,
sometimes you just don’t know what to feel
And just when you think you’ve got the game figured out
and you say you’ve had enough
the mysterious mad man with his hand on the lever
don't seem to never ever want to let you off
You can’t get off this wheel of karma
You can’t stop the hands of time
Now I have a friend, I might have a few,
sometimes I think they just don’t care
But I think sometimes they think the same thing of me, yeah,
you might say we’ve got a problem there
'Cause you know we all got this habit: we like to talk too much
and that always tends to slow you down
But we never change direction, no no no no,
we just keep going round and round and round and round
And let me off this wheel of karma
Let me stop the hands of time
Seems like I’ve been around, yeah yeah yeah, so many places
and I must have learned a lot of things
And although I ain’t yet come up with a so-called answer,
at least I think I finally learned how to sing
And there’s just a few things I ain’t got sorted out,
sometimes they make my brain get sore
Like if kids were left of all devices, yeah yeah yeah,
would they ever come up with a thing like war?
Let us off this wheel of karma
Let us stop the hands of time
(The Wheel)
1 comentario:
Thanks for your great blog.
This link doesnt work.
Can you re-up, please ?
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